About energy..(vibration)...Is there any meaning ?
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02-05-2009, 09:33 PM
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Oct 2005
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this is what i am receiving...since there is temptation around us all the time the lower vibrations could mean you need work on the lower evolve and grow from them...I know when I dont pay attention to myself enough i will 'fell' myself sink lower in the room and i will have to sweep away certain emotions..the higher energy/emotions are the higher chakras coming through...a guide is there but it's all about which one you focus more on similar to what sophia and Skye were saying ...we still have choice and free will ... If I was in that situation I would have to say I would be more interested in the energy that makes my body vibrate on a positive frequency. Try it... focus all your attention on that higher energy.. close your eyes take a deep breath but dont let your eyes roll to the back of your takes some practice to do but i can pretty much say you 'see' into the realm which is beckoning you through this's like closing your eyes but trying to 'see' through your eyelids..and i 'see' in quotes because we have Two sights...the element of sight and our eyes..the element of sight, through research and personal experience, is the ability to look out from within..Good Luck with this and don't give up .. persistance is the key
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