Yes when you learned at a young age to breathe properly raised your vibrations to the level that you became one with the room...... You were still more open to the truths of the way it truly is ..... we are all the same just vibrate different. Our dna strands are twisted a little differently lol. You could say you tapped your Christ energy. as you breathed and low into your belly at a even pace you changed your vibrations... you shifted in a physical sense almost disappeared . Sorta like what Yeshua did on the cross...physical body is their but soul steps out of it to be the cosmic light energy body you can still do it ........trick with age is to not get distracted or let our monkey minds mess us up and we get afraid cause we can feel the shifting taking place and we freak out and think OMG what is happening.....Fear is usually what stops it .........when younger we tend to go with the flow better