An entity in my bedroom?
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01-05-2009, 06:10 AM
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Oct 2005
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When I first started opening up a few months ago, I had some really wild experiences myself. Most of them involved me going into involuntary OBE's and ending up somewhere where there was a spirit. Instead of coming to me, I was being pulled to them. Very strange. Then there was one night when my wife sensed a spirit in the room. I felt bad because I'm the one all into this stuff, not her, and I felt like I was bringing this on my family. It wasn't a bad spirit though. Actually it turns out it's one of my spirit guides... I think.
I've also had a few incidents around the house of things getting knocked off of places or things falling over. Not big things, but little things. Then I had a sense of a little girl spirit. I didn't want her bothering my family so I sent her away. That's one of the rare "objective" encounters I've had with spirits - them being in the room. The rest I've had have been more subjective - seeing faces or sensing things during meditation, OBE's, or lucid semi-dreaming states.
I'm still not quite sure what to make of it all. Part of it feels like it's made up, and part of it feels real.
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