"Off Days"
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11-04-2009, 03:15 AM
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Oct 2005
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"Off Days"
Every once in awhile I will have an off day where I feel as though my energy just isn't my energy. I am upset and I think a lot about the past and it just feels like a groggy mood. I had this happen yesterday and I grounded myself which worked a little but not much, later on I called back my energy and that didn't help, I also called on my angels to remove the feeling that I had and that worked a little bit. It was just a feeling I couldn't shake, but the odd thing is, is that is not my personality at all. Does anybody have any advice for days like this? Oh I also felt as though I was going to have an anxiety attack. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!
Oh by the way, I am back today
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