Energy reaction to the pentacle!
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08-03-2009, 05:45 AM
Lolita Palmer
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Pardon me, I forgot to mention that part. I cleanse and bless any part of jewelry I place upon me; as do I crystals as well. Heck, I do that without thinking about it if I borrow a piece of clothing. lol.
So yes, it was cleansed completely and the energy reaction is still very present. I'm thinking it may be the fact that I'm drawn so highly to what it represents. Neverless, I found it odd. When my mother placed it around her neck, she too felt an energy surge but it didn't last as mine does. She just felt it upon her solar plexus and up through the crown, then it subsided. She didn't understand it either.
I actually took it to her to get her reaction seeing as she still considers herself to be an organized follower of the christian belief system. Her thoughts were simply that based on what it actually represented (seeing as the church twists the meaning around to mean something totally different), and the feeling she got from it, she found it to be a truly blessed peace and left it to my reasoning.
Since this peace has such a large impact on my thoughts right now and my actions concerning wearing it, i've decided it simply seems not to be the right time in my path to wear it until I figure it out. I'm following God on my spiritual path and hopefully I'll find the answer to it but I was hoping I could get some input here.
Thanks ladies.
Lolita Palmer
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