Using my body as a 'house' to transition lost soul??
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11-17-2008, 09:31 AM
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Oct 2005
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I have to agree with Pegan, altough she did clear something up for me about meduim things. I thought all mediums used their bodies as a vessel for spirits ti to use temporarily or inhabit for a short time. But Pegan said she hears the message and simply passes it on but will not let them inhabit her body , which is what I do , thanks for the insight, Pegan. Anyways, I completely agree, if you are allowing any spirit to enter they may choose to stay and not go to the light. This could be dangerous. I'm not to sure about the "void", maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by that, but my first thought was magick as well,lol, if you just send it out without direction, who nows where it will go and who will be effected by it. If the void is "empty" originally then yo may not be protected and am allowing anyone to pass through. Hope this makes sense. With your eagerness to learn and experiment is great, but please bge careful. I hope this helps, have a great evening,
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