How Did THAT Happen??
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11-18-2008, 01:37 AM
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Oct 2005
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My mother had a NDE (near death experience) and since that moment, she had "hot hands" as well. She is Christian and believed it was a gift from God to heal others.
After reading about Pranic healing I also remembered something from early childhood. I was always "odd" as a child. To calm me, my father would rock me on his lap (i was maybe 6 months old) he would ..(.how to explain this without coming off totally sick,,lol) use his lips, draw up my hair and kinda comb it to the ends while doing a sort of Ohm.... I'm sure to him it was totally subconcious, but I remember feeling a sense of complete peace. It was not until reading on the Ohm healing mantras did I realize my dad must have been contacting some other part of himself and naturally calming me to sleep.
Just wanted to share.
Guess I come from a long line of psychic light workers
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