Feeling Out Of Sorts?
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10-26-2008, 07:20 PM
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Oct 2005
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Feeling Out Of Sorts?
Does anyone ever get this feeling? If so, what do you think makes your feel this way? How would you describe the feeling and how do you get rid of it.
I ask because I had this yesterday. It was like I couldn't quite connect to reality but I also had a nagging feeling, although I couldn't exactly place this feeling or tell you what emotion it was. I prolly would have been content to sit in a corner and be by myself all day.
So anyways, usually when it happens it's because I've had a truly weird dream thats left an impression on me and I will usually feel that way until I 'ground' and have a shower and eat something then on and off during the day the feeling will come back for a second, but thats it. But yesterday I couldn't shake the feeling at all. I had a job interview (which I'm sure went terribly cos I just couldn't think of things to say cos my mind was constantly somewhere else) then I went to current job and was in a daze all day because of it. I had the house to my own last night and I was going to do a cleansing that I've been meaning to do for aagges but I didn't want to do anything when I felt so odd.
I know I'm going on about this but for some reason it really disturbed me that the feeling stayed for so long.
Just wanted your guys' expert oppinions on it.
P.S. sorry for the length!
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