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06-23-2008, 05:27 AM
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Oct 2005
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John Edward...I've only seen him a few times when they used to air his tv show here. Very charismatic, very frenetic when he gets into doing his thing. From the little I've seen, he seems to be pretty good.
I haven't heard of Lisa Williams so can't comment there.
Sylvia Browne...I think I mentioned her in another post somewhere. Personally I don't care for her at all. I find her to be very negative, with a touch of arrogance - and from all of the times I've heard her on her radio broadcast, doing readings through Hayhouse, she comes across (to me) as inaccurate and highly repeatable; i.e., she gives the same advice over and over and over again to various callers. If you listen long enough you'll find her top things are 'get your thyroid checked', 'eat more protein', 'you should get into real estate', etc. I find her so predictable that I actually know what she's going to tell the person before she says it. And I find her dispensing medical advice to people scary. On one show a woman called in and said she'd been having stomach pain for months, and Sylvia's advice to her - not asking anything about her condition, or if she'd had tests done or had anything ruled out medically - was to lie over the end of her bed and do stomach crunches. (yikes!) She told one woman who called to ask how her job situation was going that the woman's boss was going to give her a promotion very soon...the woman paused and said, "But...I haven't been working in over a year. That's why I called, to see when I would get a job". She's told some people not to listen to their drs, that the advice the dr was giving was wrong, etc. etc. One person I know paid for a reading from Sylvia a couple of years ago - I believe she paid well over $600 for it - and she was extremely upset because the entire reading was dead wrong...all of it.
Anyway, guess I feel pretty strongly about Sylvia Browne. One of the things that irks me the most about her is the constant negativity...she refers to life on Earth as a 'hellhole' and we will only be happy once it's over, for example. I cringe whenever I hear her saying such things. I do know a lot of people follow her and believe in her; so she's just not for me.
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