seeing energy rise from my head???
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03-15-2008, 08:38 AM
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Oct 2005
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seeing energy rise from my head???
something weird happened to me today. i was sitting with my back to a window and i noticed, in looking down at my shadow on the table, what looked like waves of energy (?) wafting up from my head. the person i was with saw it too. when i moved my head out of the way, these waves disappeared, so it couldn't have been something behind me, like heat or gas wafting up into the air. the only way i can think to describe what it looked like is if you imagine in cartoons, when a hot plate of food has wafts of white waves rising up from it to represent the heat - but, of course, i only saw them as a shadow. i don't see auras or anything, so for all i know this might be something many of you are used to seeing all the time
anyone experienced this before?
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