That is an amazing story Crystaldanika! It's too bad he doesn't talk about it much anymore..
Mecca, I have had a similar experience to you. When my little brother was stil a baby (i'm 16 years older than him... oh that makes me sound old lol) I was giving him a bath. He always go excited and would kick and scream and laugh in the water. I was leaning over the side with my elbows resting on the tub and my hands dangling ofer the side towards him. In all the comotion of him laughing his hand went into the palm of mine as if he were shaking my hand and i swear time stood still. I never took my eyes off of him but i could see the droplets of water hanging in the air, like watching something slowed down on tv. He was stairing straight into my eyes. Then bang, back to reality. My friend was there too as were were both babysitting my bro but he obviously hadn't noticed anything. I had a strong feeling from that moment on that we were connected in another life though i dont know how.