It Started With Orbs In A Few Pictures...
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10-03-2007, 06:56 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi Mr a larming,
I have experience of paranormal investigation and taking pictures of anomylous lights. If i'm lucky i can see these lights with the naked eye, it's as though they are like fairy lights twinkling on a christmas tree.
I've had a look at your pictures and must say that yes there are some very interesting anomolys there, the one's i would be particually looking at are the one's that appear to be moving at a good rate of speed and the one's that are either white or coloured but are full. By this i mean they do not have a nucleus like dot in the middle, out of pleanty of experience and viewing of various photos along with sound advice from my paranrmal buddies it seems that these "orbs" are things like dust, water particles etc..... so although i would say you do appear to have something of substance there please don't be alarmed by the sheer quantity because the see through Orbs with dots are most likely disrupted dust particles.
The picture with the smoke like mist is also interesting, as long as no one was actually smoking in the area near to the time frame of the picture being taken. Sometimes cold breathe can create this effect as well.
I hope i have managed to help in some way to explain a few things.
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