angels with a sense of humor
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12-01-2007, 11:09 AM
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Oct 2005
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angels with a sense of humor
has anyone experienced a sense of humor from their guides or angels? for about 1-2 years I have been conciously developing a 2 way friendship with my angel (s)...not quite certain I have one or two...anyway I would like to share 2 stories that made me laugh out loud...first I have to say that I have learned that when I am communicating with them, I trust that what enters my mind is what they are trying to tell me.
I was to go to a birthday party in the afternoon and planned in the morning of the party to pick up a gift...the person loves fairies so I planned to pick up a figurine...I was going to go to one store that I usually shop at but an urge came over me to go to a different store. This peturbed me a little as I was running late but decided to heed the urge...of course the store I went to had exactly what I was looking for..(the day after, I went to the usual store I shop at and they carry nothing in the line of fairies)....well, on the way to the party I get this vision in my minds eye of an angel jumping up and down and clapping his hands saying yea you get yea you finally get it!!!
Another day I was driving and really really sad and crying over an argument I had with someone....I glance up at the sky while driving and right in front of me were clouds in an unmistakeble formation of a great big tongue sticking out at made me laugh out loud.....(I have no doubt that It was my angels trying to cheer me up and let me know that the argument was really trivial...
does anyone else have angels with a sense of humor?
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