Thread: Knocking?
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Old 11-29-2006, 02:43 AM   #22

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Oct 2005
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I think there are so many things taking place in spirit world - which I believe is just a veil away from us in the physical - that we can pick up on many many things. The scratchings at the door (as you and I both experienced), or lights blowing constantly - or turning on or off by themselves, or hearing your name whispered...there can be all sorts of explanations, ranging from the scientific to the spiritual, or even combinations. I tend to think that our emotions factor into it heavily, as does being more aware of entities that could be around us. Interesting that you believe your boyfriend's house is haunted. If this is the case, perhaps you are a more 'sensitive' person to whatever or whoever could be occupying the house, and that could be why you experienced this, while your boyfriend seems oblivious to such events (either that, or he isn't willing to admit to himself that he's heard/seen/felt things; many people will absolutely deny the possibility). I'm curious to hear what caused you to believe the house is haunted - besides what you shared about the scratching sounds. This subject fascinates me...I love sharing stories...
lol I love sharing stories too so this might be along post lol.
Well, my boyfriend did pick up on some stuff before I was there but he likes to think of a logical explination before jumping to conclusions. I guess some people may say i jump to conclusions but i really just think i can feel if it's something supernatural. His sister had seen a nun before (their house was a home for unmarried mothers at one point and run by nuns). there is all kinds ofnoises, walking up stairs and accross the landing. My boyfriend said that once when men were in laying carpet in one of the rooms (the one i was staying in) the door locked shut on them and no one could get it open for ages. Music turns itself on at night.
What i experienced when i stayed there the first time... The room i was staying in had an odd feeling to it. I knew there was someone standing by the door watching me. I couldn't physically see her but i could describe her. It was almost as if she wasn't angry but she was checking me out as if she were a bit wary of me. There was the scratching at the door. One night i was laying in bed and heard noises downstairs as if someone was moving furniture around. I thought it was burglers but we went and searched and nothing was there. The dogs didnt wake up either. There were two things that happened to me and my boyfriend that really scred me. For ages if we were sleeping in his bedroom we would be woken up by really loud banging from the floor above (unused bedroom) It literally sounded as if someone was dropping heavy furniture on the floor, the ceiling would shake. his mother, who would be awake in the room next door wouldn't hear anything. That hasnt happened in a long time though. The second thing was one night i was asleep and mike was awake watching tv. We were the only people in the house at the time as his parentswere on holiday. He woke me up to ask me if i heard an odd noise and i said i didnt (i could tell he was worried or else he wouldnt have woken me up). At the moment i asked him what it sounded like it happeed again. It was like a pitiful whining scream, almost like a cat except to loud to be a cat. I was half asleep and immediatly went mental because i thought someone broke in. We heard movement in the downstairs of the house and we called the police. In the meantime my boyfriend went to investigate with a hurley stick lol. Anyways, we found nothing, police found no evidence of anyone having been in the house. I honestly could havesworn someone was in there.
It's been less active recently (within the past couple of years) but i have spoken to his sister (who now lives next door... it was once one house and now it' two) and she is convinced her half is haunted. She thinks something touched her face at night. I think she wants to get a psychic in. We havefigured out you get the most activity in Oct/Nov time.
Anyways, thats EXTREMLY long so i'll stop there lol. There has been so many odd things happen in that house that i could go on forever. Oddly enough nothing ever related to babies... you would expect to hearor see something but nope.
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