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Old 08-25-2006, 07:48 PM   #2

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Oct 2005
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I saw snake in a dream a few times. The last time i saw him was because he represented wisdom. He had symbols for me.
At first i also judged him and didnt trust him. Then i realised that it was me that was judging him to be untrustworthy, snake had done nothing to me but i thought he wanted to decieve me. He had come to teach me to trust and not judge.

Snake is as old as the hills and will show you wisdom if you show him respect. (that is what came to me at the time)

What does snalke represent to you? What are the possitive and shadow/negative sides to him. They will also be aspects of yourself. When animals show themselves to us, they are also showing us aspects of ourself. Our animal instincts. They come to teach us and many show up if you are aware to notice. Im sure you already know this but you have to really think about it for the answers to come.
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