Complete Serenity
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08-16-2006, 07:34 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Wonderful sure you'll be able to attract more of these. I love doing anything by the sea...I always like to go to the park and just sit down and let the rivers soothe me or just go in and feel the soothing water..(yes, I'm a water freak
I just love it so much...)
The other night I was doing a meditation recalling my best experiences, and the one that came to my mind was one with water of course. I think it was back when I was 14, we were traveling in Nepal going to DhanKuta (its a lovely little village...great sight seeing) anyhow, we stopped at a Vedic ashram, they had kids, school and what not...anyhow they also had a beautiful river nearby and of course I was there...took off my shoes and in the river..felt of the best experiences I've had...sitting on those BIG boulders in the middle of a big river
And of course it was a great experience cuz I was trying to heal myself then and trying to move on from a few experiences..felt great...something I can still remember and go back to when i need to heal myself
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