Seeing weird things and I don't know why
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07-08-2006, 12:55 AM
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Oct 2005
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I think you give much less credit to yourself than you deserve. Are you scared of psychic visions? This can happen a lot of times, people are scared of seeing something aweful and being correct about it. Wen the Tsunami hit and I had a premonition about it, I felt aweful and had similar experiences, mine were at night, when id see dead people around. I was really scared, what i realized later was that i was blaming my vision, saying to myself how could i see any of these, i have been terrible, knowing and not being able to help.
Now of course it didnt make any sense because there was no way i could have gone and informed someone saying somewehere in Asia, there will be a big disaster. But that is what i was blaming myself.
Even if you did not have premonitions that you can think of now, maybe something during your childhood? or even your teen years that kind of scared you from psychic visions?
somewhere deep down you are scared of something, it could be past experiences and memories OR it could even be something you saw on TV and took very seriously. The reason i say this is because our heart (which stores all memories) can make no difference on past actual events and vivid memories of something read in Books or Tvs.
Here is ahealing exercise that you might want to try, there are many other, im just mentioning this because i find it quite simple.
Imagine lying outside on a ight sunny day, shift your full attention on the sun, the illiant big sun with enormous life giving and life saving energy, it is the source of everything. Now from this big sun, imagine it becoming somewhat smalller, like a tiny ball, purely shining its magificient rays on the earth, as it becomes smaller, carefully ing it a few inches above your body, it is a few inches above your head. At this moment, you can decide to have the sun travel down your body healing each and every cell or have it concentrate on a specific part (your heart chakra lets say for our purposes). Once you feel healed and lighter, energetic, imagine the sun coming back a few inches above your head and slowly going up in the sky, becoming bigger and bigger as it moves up, transforming into the big illiant live giving and saving star again. Thank the sun and your guides for their help.
If you think you like crystals, jsut carry one, especially an agate (from personal experience), it helps a lot to soothe your heart.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Blessings. love and light
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