The Cross has been banned in school, a sign of the times?
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08-28-2006, 09:20 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Having 'lurked' here for a while, and having been impressed by the tone of this community, I finally decided to join - but posting is another matter! However, a current news item seems relevant to this thread, and so I thought I would brave it.
It might interest members of this community to learn that in Scotland a footballer has been cautioned by the legal authorities for crossing himself before a football match. The reason given was that his action was 'provocative'; the idea being that the Protestant supporters of the other club might have taken offence and rioted.
It might be noted that a Government Minister, Ruth Kelly, who is a member of Opus Dei has questioned the wisdom of the relevant authorities.
Given Our Lord's words about rendering unto Caesar those things that are his, how should Christians respond to such events?
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