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Old 09-12-2006, 10:35 PM   #22

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I have yet to meet a single such convert who had knowledge of even the most basic Christian doctrines, such as the Incarnation or the Most Holy Trinity, etc. The fact of the matter is that such people did not leave Christianity, they simply discovered Islam.

The reason why such a huge amount of British people convert to Islam and other religions is that they are fed up and disillusioned with secular British society. I therefore think the ROCOR's approach (which does not attempt to conform to society) will be the one that will prevail in the long run.
There is so much wisdom here, and its implications bear exploring I suspect.

What you say about 'converts' is so accurate; I have not met anyone who has spent as much time exploring the tradition they say they are leaving as they do investigating the one they wish to join.

But who is responsible for this ignorance? How is it that we are in a society where young people can be exposed to nothing to do with Christianity? Is this a lamentable failure by the Western Churches?

I wonder whether, in trying to become (as they see it) 'relevant', the Western (non-Orthodox) Churches have simply become part of secular society and as such, are unable to fulfil the spiritual needs of their flocks?

It is good to read that ROCOR is providing us with an example of what can be done when the Faith in all its richness is proclaimed.

Another example of the same sense of mission can be found in the British Orthodox Church, which is, of course, Oriental Orthodox, but which also dedicates itself to providing Orthodoxy with a British ethos. It has just launched the British Orthodox Fellowship to provide a forum for the discussion of Orthodoxy (

Perhaps ROCOR and the BOC provide rather more encouraging 'signs of the times'?

In Christ,

DF9sLGSU is offline


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