Geronta Ephraim of Mt. Athos jailed
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12-29-2011, 12:16 AM
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Oct 2005
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Geronta Ephraim of Mt. Athos jailed
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In this beautiful season of the Nativity of our Lord (for those of us on the new calendar), the evil one has reared his ugly head to scandalize and to upset the faithful by attacking a holy man through the weakness of those who do not love the Church as we do. Despite all the 'rationalizations' of this unjust and outrageous act by many who do not remember the life of our Lord and the many saints, I personally think that this calumny is nothing more than evil. This is especially offensive when we know that the monasteries help people in need and have set up charitable havens for them. This is especially offensive when (even Germany is aghast) we know as a fact that many politicians in Greece have robbed the Greek people and have evaded taxes, yet not one has gone to jail.
On Christmas day, the beautiful piece on Mt. Athos on the popular American news show '60 Minutes' aired again; the original having been aired on Pascha. Geronta Ephraim finally gave his blessing for it, after many years, and I know that many, many persons, young and old who would never otherwise known of the beauty of Orthodoxy and monasticism were introduced to it through this show...
Perhaps this is why the evil one wanted to destroy his reputation? Also, Geronta brought the belt of Panaghia out of the monastery (for the first time) and to Russia to help the faithful who needed her blessing for childbirth in that country. Perhaps this is also why the evil one wants to destory? The beautiful cooperation and love of two Orthodox traditions came together through Panaghia recently and that was divine-- yet the haters of the Church, those who are secular, and the 'conspiracy mongers' make up ugliness about it.
Please keep Geronta in your prayers to our blessed Theotokos, our Panaghia, daily...Mt. Athos is her holy garden and Geronta and Vatopedi are the caretakers of one of the most precious relics of Christendom, her holy belt. I know that she is very upset about this and that she will hear our prayers for Geronta and for the reputation of her own garden!! May our Lord put an end to this travesty!!
Kyrie Eleison!
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