With a papal visit to the island of Cyprus coming up many Bishops are calling for a boycott of the visit. However, they are being told to keep it quiet: NICOSIA (Reuters Life!) – The leader of Cyprus's ancient Orthodox Church lashed out on Tuesday at criticism of Pope Benedict's upcoming visit to the island on June 4-6. Some members of the Holy Synod, the Cypriot Church's governing body, have expressed opposition to the Catholic Pope's visit to the Mediterranean island, calling him a "heretic." At least five members of the Synod were planning to boycott the welcoming ceremony for the Pope, the daily Phileleftheros reported. But seeking to quell dissent, the leader of the Cypriot Orthodox Church on Tuesday told critics they must toe the line and avoid offending a guest of the church and state. "There is democracy in the Church, freedom of speech and expression. But people cannot just do the first thing that comes into their heads," said Archbishop Chrysostomos, leader of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus. Benedict's visit follows a formal invitation from Chrysostomos and Cypriot President, Demetris Christofias. A key difference between Orthodox and Catholicism is the Catholic doctrine that the Popes of Rome have absolute authority over all other bishops. Orthodoxy and Catholicism formally divided in the 11th century in what is known as the Great Schism. (Writing by Michele Kambas, editing by Paul Casciato)