Key social issues: homosexuality and Orthodox positions
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03-31-2010, 05:11 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i'm an Orthodox Christian and have been for 4 years and I'm gay. There is a lot of misinformation that is being thrown around that I think it borders around gossiping and unlogical suggestions.
"One must not condemn anyone, even the most wretched sinner." St. Nikon of Optina
"You must love every man, seeing in him the image of God, disregarding his vices. You must not dismiss people with coldness." St. Nikon of Optina
"A [person's] greatest success is to see and acknowledge that he is a sinner." St. Ignaty
"If the saints accused or convicted those who were living in sin or irreligion, they did so at the command of God, as their duty, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, not at the instigation of their passions..."- St. Ignaty
"It is essential for you to see the infirmity of your knowledge and intellect, and the weakness of your will." St. Ignaty
"When you begin to realize that you have nothing and know nothing, then you will become rich in the Lord through practice of the virtues and spiritual knowledge." St. Theognostos
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