Key social issues: homosexuality and Orthodox positions
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03-31-2010, 07:01 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
All these sayings are true. No individual has the right to judge - there is only one Judge. We are all sinners. But we have to know that we are sinners. There cannot be an expectation that sin be condoned or accepted. There is a difference between a person who struggles with homosexuality on the one hand, and one who accepts it on the other (and expects other Christians to accept it in him or her). The only sexual activity the Church accepts is normal sexual activity between a man and a woman who have been married in the Church and even then not at certain times. Fornication, adultery, homosexual sex, and self-abuse are all sins. The Church is compassionate and sensitive to those who are subject to such passions and who struggle with them, even if often unsuccessfully. The same compassion and sensitivity needs to be shown to one who suffers any driving passion: one thinks of Dostoyevsky's passion for gambling. But if a person indulges a passion which the Church says is a sin and he is unrepentant of it, what can be said? Only that he is then not in good order with the Church and not in communion with it.
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