Key social issues: homosexuality and Orthodox positions
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04-07-2010, 07:04 AM
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Oct 2005
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It is not necessarilly "marriage" that us gays are after. It is the recognition from our family, friends, and Caesar. Gays are not out to force any Church to recognize their marriage and Churches reserve that right to hold firm to their beliefs. And the gov't can't force a Church to recognize a union b/w two people that they don't see as equal. From the news I've come across and the stories that I've read from friends and certain blogs is that these unions are taking events in civil places, not in Churches. And if they are taking place in a Church then it's only because the Church recognizes them. Which so far is the Episcopal Church. That's it. People need to stop making noise where there is no need to shout and throw up arms in defense of morality or Church beliefs. It is a civil issue that gays are taking their issue up with, not with Churches!
But surely as we Orthodox know we don't validate marriages outside of the Church as being sacramental. And so if two people of the same-sex "marry" so what, we as Orthodox should shrug our shoulders and say "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner."
-Jason H. a wretched sinner.
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