Epsicopal Assemblies - Le communiquĂ© ... panorthodoxe prĂ©conciliaire Ă* ChambĂ©sy
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03-02-2010, 03:51 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I came across this from the website home page and I haven't heard of anything about such a meeting taking place or rumours of one. Does anyone know what this is in reference to?
"Prayer for the Episcopal Assembly
At its February meeting, the Board members of Orthodox Christian Laity unanimously concurred that the most effective support Orthodox Christians in North and Central America – Hierarchs, Clergy and Laity, can provide to the more than 60 bishops who shepherd this land mass, as they move forward to develop a plan for manifesting the unity of the Orthodox Christian Church of the Americas, is to fervently pray every day for the successful convening and conclusion of the first Episcopal Assembly. This Assembly will take place in the week following the feast of Pentecost. Therefore, during this period of the Great and Holy Fast and the season of the Resurrection and Pentecost which follows, let us pray:
Lord, hear our prayers that our Holy Fathers grow in wisdom and strength, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and increase in love and Christian fellowship for each other and with their flock, so that they can make the conciliar decisions needed to create a canonically ordered Orthodox Christian Church of the Americas.
That their work to develop a plan for manifesting unity be guided by the Decision and the Rules of Operation for the Episcopal Assembly that were established by the Conference convened by the Ecumenical Patriarchate with the consensus of all Their Beatitudes, the Primates of the Most Holy Orthodox Churches in the world.
That all the Hierarchs, Clergy and Laity familiarize themselves and be informed by the Decisions and the Rules of Operation in order that they might appropriately participate and support their bishops in their mandated work.
Furthermore, we ask that God Bless the work of all His People, working together in Him, for the building up of His Holy Orthodox Church of the Americas. AMEN!
Developing a plan that manifests the unity of the Orthodox Christian Church of the Americas will require the vigilance of all the People of God in this area and beyond. This process is truly the work of all the People. It is our duty to know the rules and to provide our Holy Fathers with all the assistance, tools and input they need to work to successfully bring about a canonically ordered Orthodox Christian Church of the Americas in accordance with the tradition and practice of the Orthodox Christian Church. "
--Jason H
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