Antiochian Patriarchate reorganizes North American Archdiocese
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03-14-2009, 06:57 AM
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Oct 2005
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There is no doubt there is much startling and troubling in the news out of Antioch, but frankly speaking I don't trust it. It's timing is too spot on. It's effects too wide ranging and hurtful, and not unlike the calendar question of yesteryear it leaves bewilderment and anger in its wake. In short, if feels like my buttons are being pushed and I am not happy with the reaction I sense within myself. And i don't like feeling manipulated. The fact that this news triggers feelings of sympathic anger for those on one side of the issue and very uncharitable feelings towards the other, gives me pause. My ortho-spidy-sense says, "danger, quicksand ahead. Proceed with extreme caution".
This descision, above and beyond the problems it poses for the Antiochian faithful, raises some serious questions of canonicity and with repect to their constitution, legality. But such questions are far out of my pervue or expertise. Yet they are questions that should be asked and should be answered...but how to get there charitably and avoid the quicksand of quick anger, speaking ill of those in places of spiritual authority...the danger of fasting from roast chicken but not shrinking from feasting on the flesh of our ostensible brothers. On the other hand there is the danger of silence in the face of injustice to others...of timidity and cowardice for fear of rocking the boat...risking getting on the wrong side of those in power. And that latter point is a dilemma because given the ancientness and the "Byzantine" complexity of interpreting and applying canon law...discerning a forbidden use of power from a merely unwise one is not something the average Orthodox Joe or Jane is prepared to grapple with.
What will become of the Antiochian Archdiocese and its witness in the coming weeks, months, and years as a result of this is too much to think about right now. In the short term, God helping me, I would rather work through this Lent without getting angry and accusatory. It's not a time for rash thoughts or words, but rather for prayer and repentance.
If I have understood the matter correctly the Bishops of the AA are consulting with their priests and will meet with His Eminance Metropolitan Philip sometime in April to discuss the situation, and then there will be an Archdiocesian conference in July where I suppose the Antiochian laity will be able to weigh in on the matter. Until then at least I've determined to keep Antioch, its heirarchs and people in my prayers, feeble things that they are, and reserved judgment except for myself and my own sins.
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