Dear Father David and John, Indeed, being of Greek background, I have heard variation of the above story. I don't remember the one that I heard involving the Emperor...however, I have heard that the Priests with the Holy Gifts walked into the walls... This is the biggest catastophe that Christendom has ever suffered. I pray that one day the Priests will come out of the walls and serve liturgy in the great Church of the Haghia Sophia again! Yesterday, here in Athens, we often drive by a church of St. Constantine. A thought crossed my mind, which had never before, and I said to him: "why don't we all pray to St. Constantine for his intercessions to grant freedoms for Christianity in Constantinoupolis--after all, he founded the city".... I pray, and trust in God's time and in God's way...our Ecumenical Patriarch does not complain, but he is under great persecution, and the time is coming where he may have to move if nothing changes. I do ask that we remember this intention in our prayers. In Christ, Alice