Da Vinci Code Movie
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04-30-2006, 12:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Dear All,
This is proving to be an interesting and exciting discussion, but I think much of it ultimately boils down to individual conscience. I know I could spend my $10 (8 Cyprus Pounds in my case) on charity instead of going to see the movie. I know I could be feeding my mind with much more healthy imagery and ideas. There are a lot of little "details" of my life that could benefit by a careful 'pruning' - small things perhaps, but troublesome and no doubt spiritually harmful habitual patterns of behaviour that amount to nothing less than indulgence of the lower self, the "mole growing into a cancer" as Antonios graphically describes it.
On the other hand, there is some substance also to the equally true assertion that we have a responsibility to others - as well as to ourselves - to be alert to the ways in which the Gospel is being corrupted by the moguls of popular culture, and to offer cogent and convincing responses to the arguments and casuistry with which our Orthodox faith is being undermined.
On a third level, I also think that Truth is Truth. The devil and his minions may try to twist it and conceal it through an infinite number of permutations, but ultimately they can only shatter their hideous faces against the rock of faith. Christ risen has nothing to fear from Hollywood or heretics, and true seekers eventually do come round to seeing this, however badly they've been misled - God makes sure they do. This doesn't mean those of us being saved by God shouldn't care; that's precisely why the point Matthew and I make about engaging secular culture on all levels, has substance. Ordinary Christian laypeople, whether they have academic credentials or not, cannot simply leave the intelligent response to the clergy. We must be ready to offer reasons for our faith - bright, convincing reasons - at ant moment we are called to do so. Of course, if we are unable to do this (we can hardly be expected to know an answer to everything!), then Antonios' suggestion of prayer and referral to an experienced member of the clergy is a good and viable response too (but will the doubter go?).
Fr Raphael, I like your light-hearted touch: But that's more to do with not having so much time when it comes to reading and having an aversion to religious movies. This aversion isn't 'doctrinal' though; it's more that I don't think the screen lends itself to conveying the real power of the Gospels in an accurate way. So I'm much more moved by a movie with good characterisation or good plot or just plain good sense that may seem outwardly secular in tone. As a former movie enthusiast, I've seen miles of celluloid in my own time. As a child I was moved by films with Jesus in them (here in Cyprus they still show Zeffirelli's "Jesus of Nazareth" every Easter), and - importantly perhaps - found these movies to be an important source of religious knowledge in the otherwise quite secular environment I was growing up in. I didn't show my family or friends that I felt for Jesus, not because anyone would have disapproved, but I may have been mildly teased or "brought down to earth" in a well-meaning way. So religious movies can be helpful, although I entirely agree that they cannot capture the power of the gospels. And all the quaint donkeys, sack-cloth, beards and wooden staffs do make the genre rather cliche, detracting from the naturalness and profound beauty of the message. As an adult, I do believe in "keeping it real", and that can mean seeing the face of God in ordinary life as well as in the emotionally more focused atmosphere of a film. Still, I'm grateful when films with religious themes are being made - even perhpas heretical ones - because I think indifference to God and the spiritual life is one of the adversary's most powerful weapons. The vast majority of films made seem to teach cynicism, materialism, self-indulgence or some form of "social" message by which traditional values and beliefs are demonised and turned on their heads. I guess that's what happens when you ask a lot of extrovert film and drama students to comment on life by making a film (or when four men come in carrying a heavy cheque with the express request from the top dogs to make a movie about their own pseudo-liberal, neo-fascist, neo-gnostic self-interests)! Panem et circenses, anyone?
In Christ,
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