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Old 02-24-2008, 01:13 AM   #30

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Oct 2005
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Since this is a topic dare to my heart, (I currently live in Lebanon and am half Arab) I fill the need to make a few points. First, the United States has a political position towards Israel that is highly influenced by the Christian Right (about 20% of America) and the also powerful Jewish Lobby. I wrote a paper for a senior seminar on the Modern Middle East (for Middle Eastern Studies at Rutgers University, New Jersey) where I set out to show this position, the influence is so strong and overt that it can easily be shown.

But I have two main concerns on this matter. The suffering of the Palestinians and the way Christians are made to look.

Regardless of religion, every body in the Palestinians is suffering because of the current apartheid and genocide being carried out by the Israeli government. Reading an American newspaper might not make things seem so bad, but reading the Lebaneese newspapers shows a whole different story. People are still dieing from the cluster bombs dropped all over the Lebaneese south by Israel last summer. It is really sickening some of the stories that I have heard.

My second concern is the way the Christian Right has been behaving. I have been called both a "snake" and "antichrist" by members of the Christian Right for voice my anti-zionist agression opinions. But more importantly, when people abuse the name of Christ our Lord in an evil way liek this, they reflect poorly on both Chrisitanity and Christ. Therefore, I think it is our responsibility to speak out against these so called "Christians".
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