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12-27-2007, 03:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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Dear Nicolaj,
Matthew, you were right and I think it was not your turn to go, but those who sold the Orthodox Church to heretics for 30 silver pieces. Actually they did not sell the Orthodox Church to heretics for 30 silver pieces, that is far to harsh of a conclusion in this matter, rather inaccurate. Had I known that my comments would compel such a conclusion from anyone I would not have shared them for sure. Nobody should go, but rather the tradition of the Orthodox Church is "love one another" all the time, even when there are disagreements.
Should you have some time to read the Apostolic Fathers, Clement of Rome in his first Epistle to the Corinthians comes foremost to my mind here (I was reading it last night again, I'm hoping it will stick good here) you will see how the Church traditionally addresses such matters. Feel free to take advantage of the good works here and access the Epistle via the Patristic Master list at Monachos.
Clement of Rome, First Epistle to the Corinthians
From the writings of the Apostolic Fathers; the authentic first letter of St Clement, bishop of Rome, to the Church in Corinth. One of the earliest post-New Testament texts, St Clement's first epistle addresses the issues of Church ministerial structure; order; humility; the relationship of faith and works; the imitation of Christ; the virtuous examples of the saints; etc.
What can happen and did happen was traditional Orthodox understandings where not being articulated by the very good hearted Priest who is a convert from another tradition. He was expressing opinions that are typical in his former tradition which he served for many years. So such opinions are sometimes not easy to get rid of, but that is a far cry from selling the Orthodox Church to heretics for 30 silver pieces. He would never do that he struggled and gave away much to embrace the Orthodox Church. Nor would those Orthodox Christians at the table ever sell the Church who I know hold the faith very dearly in their hearts. What they will do is listen to the Priest and Bishop who also continues to bring the Chalice to them through the royal doors. Should any Bishop and the Priest introduce liturgical changes in their Church, there would be vehement opposition. The reason why agreeing at a dinner conversation is easy to do is because it is the polite thing to do at such settings, people are relaxed etc. However, I know they would see any liturgical changes as not polite because it differs from the traditions they are used experiencing for many years.
It is written, "he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life."
Yet in the Church in the Kondak from the Sunday of the Cross during Great Lent we hear;
"the fiery sword no longer guards the gate of Eden", but rather through the Cross we hear Christ inviting us to, "return again to Paradise."
Is it not written, "A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready" So the more intimate communion than even that of Adam that has been referenced here in the past is found in the Orthodox Church, the Priest, the faithful that I had referenced no doubt are in the Church. We all struggle though, that is a common experience but we should still help one another along the way even in awkward situations that have been going on for around 40 years now since this ecumenism thing showed up.
In Christ,
Matthew Panchisin
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