'Economist' article
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01-25-2008, 01:27 AM
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Nov 2005
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What happens on the other side of the world will also affect us at some point.
Dear Effie,
Actually I posted this article because we were talking with Paul C. before he went to Europe about how high the exchange rate ($ to Euro). He said that he did not expect this. So sometime is good to know. Before I read this article (some days ago), I read in an European newspaper on line a headline: 'Canadian dollar stronger than the US one'.
So all these developments are interesting, NOT because "we are of the world" (although I might be... I do not know) but because we actually live in this world. Things do not matter at the end, because we will be judged if we have acquired the Holy Spirit and the degree of it. However these illusionary things of the world that surround us are tools for us to attain salvation. Also such news is maybe very good for me who is attached to this world to see and understand how fleeting such things are. And of course I might have (in the aspect mentioned last) a twin out there.
This is even truer today. I was astounded when I found that the supermarkets in Australia are full of exactly the same products that our own supermarkets are full of - even the same Italian Christmas delicacies. Same brands, same everything. There are a few (very few) Australian products usually with the label "Proudly Australian" displayed prominently on them! That's cute! Here in US they like the Aussie products (even people). The ones I have met (people) are really nice and humble.
What can we do? What do we do? Most importantly, we need to ask God for His grace to enlighten us to distribute HIS gifts wisely according to His will.
Concerning the mess our planet has become because of over consumption of commodities that we don't really need, we plant trees, we conserve water (I could write a book about the various methods I use to conserve water), we use our car only when necessary (granted we tour our section of our country regularly but I believe that we offset this by not using the car for everyday use. Walking has lots of advantages, advantages that are not limited to the pollution cars produce. You can actually see a huge difference when you travel, between countries that walk a lot, and countries that use mostly cars. Although most of the world now is getting influenced by the mentality that driving to a place two minutes away is much better than walking to that same place.
There is a beautiful book by Bill Bryson (although I like most of his books) titled
I am a stranger here myself
. He commented on how he likes to walk around his little town, and most of his neighbors who drive, stop and offer him a ride, but he politely declines because he prefers to walk and they are surprised. He commented how people drive to the gym which is two minutes away and then go on to exercise on a treadmill. It is very amusing and cleverly written book with lots of observations about our times.
Paul is absolutely correct in that he doesn't watch the TV news - wish my husband did the same. The news is the only thing he watches on TV, but as he usually falls asleep, perhaps the damage is minimal
Effie Actually, Paul C. is so right. And St. Silouan said to not watch and read news if we get sad (I think). I like to watch TV sometime to see what is being served.
Every time in the last three weeks I have turned on the TV, there is this commercial about flat screen televisions, and the accompanying music is a song from the group 'Queens' (I googled it since they are not my type of music). The words repeated are: "I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now!" A lot to think about...
This is what I can remember from these past three weeks of TV watching. And I feel sad for the people who make these things. I am a part of the consumerism, of a consumerist society. But thank God we have Christ, and through Him the ability to transcend such things. I pray that He opens my eyes and has mercy on me continually.
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