Call to prayer - in Oxford
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12-31-2007, 12:31 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Dear Effie,
I want to find time to look at all you have posted but I think you are right that we should start a thread called, 'Turning the other cheek', or, perhaps something else such as, 'Orthodox Christians in society'. The tension between apparently clear injunctions from Our Lord and how we respond to many situations in society which cause us to consider our proper response in the light of Christ's injunctions seems to me important for us to consider and is likely to become more pressing. Do we use laws such as the blaspheny laws if our faith is reviled? (The law of blasphemy in England only applies to the Church of England, though.) Do we make use of civil and human rights in situations such as that at Oxford? Some years ago, I saw a Christmas card on sale which I thought was blasphemous. I asked Fr Zacharias how to respond and he said, we do not respond - we are not fanatics. That, however, was before 2001.
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