'Hardline takeover of British mosques'
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09-14-2007, 09:26 AM
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May 2007
Senior Member
Keeping our heads down and quietly getting on with our comfortable lives is not an answer. For example, almost 200,000 (yes, that is two-hundred thousand) unborn babies are murdered in England and Wales every year, over 6000,000 (yes, that is six million) since 1967. And what do we do about it ? The Catholics have their 'Life' and SPUC organisations that hold street demonstrations, lobby parliament and picket abortion clinics. A couple of years ago it took an Anglican curate to take the Crown Prosecution Service to the High Court over their failure to prosecute two doctors who had carried out an illegal abortion, but we do what exactly ? WWJD?
Nobody here is saying "live our comfortable lives". Indeed if our lives are too comfortable, we, as Christians, are doing something wrong. Who ever heard of a comfortable cross?
But does that mean we must demonstrate in the streets stridently? Where is that in the Beatitudes? I think I missed it. We are commanded to love, to help, to feed, to visit, to clothe. Have you already done all these things? Are these "lesser" things to do than being strident? There are many ministries. Do what what you believe God wants you to do. We will do what we think God wants us to do, or at least not do what God doesn't want us to do, to the best of our abilities. Is stridency a virtue?
Herman the Pooh
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