Colloquium on the council of Chalcedon and its inheritance
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11-15-2006, 02:58 AM
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Colloquium on the council of Chalcedon and its inheritance
Hi all
I'm going to what looks like being a very interesting colloquium at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, this Saturday. I was doing a google for some information about Fr Richard Price, the Roman Catholic translator and editor of the three volume Acts of the Council of Chalcedon, just published in the Translated Texts for Historians series by Liverpool University, and I discovered that this event was on.
And then my wife said I could go!!!!!!
Here is the programme. I'll report back afterwards.
A one-day colloquium to be held in Corpus Christi College, Oxford, to celebrate the publication of The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon, translated with an introduction and notes by Richard Price and Michael Gaddis, 3 vols., Translated Texts for Historians volume 45 (Liverpool, 2005).
10-11 Charlotte Roueché (London): Introduction and chair
Richard Price (London): Truth, Fiction and Omission in the Acts of Chalcedon
11-11.30 Coffee
11.30-1 Thomas Graumann (Cambridge): The First Council of Ephesus
Fergus Millar (Oxford): The Syriac Acts of the Second Council of Ephesus, 449
Chair: Mark Humphries (Maynooth)
1-2 Lunch
2-3.30 Andrew Louth (Durham): Why the Syrians rejected Chalcedon
David Gwynn (Oxford): The Council of Chalcedon and the definition of Christian tradition
Chair: Gillian Clark (Bristol)
3.30-4 Tea
4-6 Hagit Amirav (Kampen) Power and Ceremonial at the Council of
Chalcedon (15-min. communication)
Katy Cubitt (York): The 649 Lateran Council
Judith Herrin (London): The 692 Council in Trullo
Concluding discussion
Chair: Averil Cameron (Oxford)
6-6.30 Wine
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