Sir Elton: Ban organised religion
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11-16-2006, 06:30 AM
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Oct 2005
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Perhaps Elton John should return his knighthood to the religious leader who gave it to him.
Dear Andreas,
What a good idea; he might also put brain into gear before opening mouth!
There are many aspects of 'modern' sexual practices which the Church does not condone, most of them are actually heterosexual; what next, Sir Mick Jagger opining that Christianity should be banned because it incites hatred of adultery? Pork butchers having a go at Judaism and Islam because of what it does to their business?
One of the many downsides of the sectarian mentality (and secularism is as sectarian as any other belief system can be) is that it fails to see the bigger picture. The Church directs its strictures at very many aspects of the way we in the west conduct our lives, it calls us to repentance and renewal in Christ. The Church preaches hatred of no one; God is love. It is the sin that the Church hates, because that disfigures us and prevents us being in God's image.
Perhaps, for Sir Elton, 'sorry' really is the hardest word.
In Christ,
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