Abortion in Russia ends 3 of 5 pregnancies
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10-29-2006, 04:40 AM
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Oct 2005
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Abortion in Russia ends 3 of 5 pregnancies
We would be considered fascist for daring to question the prevalence of abortion, but if an animal might be in danger somewhere then the whole power of the state comes to its rescue. That’s true. I was listening to the radio today and heard something shocking. That abortions are so common place in Russia that the Govt is putting in place programs and education to get people to have more kids because the population numbers are plummeting so fast. I hope the Orthodox Church can get more involved and work to stop this trend. It seems there is a real opportunity for wonderful things to happen in Russia, a real spiritual and moral revival are possible with the freedom of the Church, the growing number of Churches and the growth of interest in Orthodoxy, and even the government is at times working with the Church but its also a challenging time with a horrible rate of abortion , alcohol addiction and such. I think things could go either way.
here is a sad quote from an article on the subject:
Russia has one of the highest rates of abortion in the world—
three out of five pregnancies end in abortion
. There is widespread use of induced abortion both for limiting the number of births and for birth spacing as well.
On average, each Russian woman has more than three abortions in her lifetime
, and the
complications related to abortion account for one-quarter of all maternal deaths in the country.
Check out these abortion statistics in Russia if you can stomach it . Up to 70% of babies are murdered in many areas!
On a better note the government of Nicaragua just outlawed abortion! I wouldnt doubt that the UN starts giving them trouble for it and for "not supporting womens health" or something. Nicaragua is a majority RC nation and the Latin Church played a large role in the success of the new law protecting the unborn being passed by pressuring elected officals and educating the public on the issue. We cant let the Latins leave us in the dust on this, the most important ethical issue of the time!
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