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11-09-2005, 07:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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> I think that we agree. However, when you say that being un-biased does not mean we have to comprise our faith; and that we can listen to others. I think your choice of words is a mixing of terms here. First you say we should be uncompromising regarding our faith, then you say we should be unbiased. I cannot see how one can be uncompromising and not biased. I think that what you are indicating is that we can listen others points of view without a confrontation or challenging them. I agree; just so long as their point of view is not dangerous. So there are exceptions as to how tolerant one should be; and evils such as Nazism, the KKK and Islam are not areas where I am willing to just sit back and listen. Islam, like Nazism is a philosophy of hate and intolerance. AND I AM NOT SAYING THAT ALL MUSLIMS ARE INTOLERANT AND FULL OF HATE. Look, statistically one can find about the same percentages of very, very good people and very, very evil people in any major group of people world wide be they Jews, Christians or Muslims or whatever. Therefore, one can find truly wonderful people who say they are Muslims. But that does not make the evil nature of the philosophy called Islam any less evil. Despite the fact that many, if not most Muslims would never overtly practice what Islam truly teaches, none-the-less Islam teaches to be intolerant and kill non-Muslims, and gives specific directions how to accomplish there murders! And in my book that makes Islam t an evil philosophy. Tolerance can go just so far. Having respect for wild poisonous snakes is one thing. Bringing them into one's home is quite another. And that is exactly what this nation is doing by inviting the practice of Islam in our nation. I would sooner have a regiment of Nazis live next door..and I hate Nazis. Vasilis
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