Wikipedia notice to everyone
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03-28-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Now if having "good intentions" are that good then why do people with "good intentions" often hurt others?
I think that everyone on earth has good intentions.
In fact even criminals might, in their own twisted minds, have good intentions.
* For instance, Hitler wanted to improve the conditions of his own country by wiping out the rest of the world. Look at how succesful Germany is today.
* Bin Laden wanted a better world... a world without Americans.
* The Western Christian Crusades wanted to see a successful spread of good Christian values by slaughtering the opposition.
* The North Korean government wants to be a stronger nation by making and possessing nuclear weapons.
So what is the definition of "a good intention"?
Obviuosly as Christians we have to have live a Christocentric life in order to approach the goodness of Christ.
Our Prototype is Christ. Our intentions to be like Him are the only "good intentions" that God would accept as being good. Every other intentions which are secular, worldly and selfish are bad.
So fooling ourselves into thinking that some people have good intentions where in reality they are bad can actually be harmful for us. Our paradigm, our model, our
is lost by the example of these "good intenders" who are in fact "bad intenders".
May God's will be done.
Peace in Christ,
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