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07-03-2006, 08:00 AM
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Nov 2005
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Theophilus wrote:
Forgive me, but I must confess that the meaning of your post has somewhat puzzled me, especially the above remark, concerning Churchill's hopeful conversion to Orthodoxy in the "afterlife".
Perhaps I should qualify my original post by saying something about its underlying presupposition(s). According to the Scriptures, the thoughts and intents of the "natural" man (as distinct from the "spiritual" man in Christ) are only evil. Thus, according to this wisdom, Churchill was incapable of "good" intentions. Don't you know- sooner or later everyone is Orthodox- or else...
About Churchill I am hoping that it's the former.
Yes I'm being a bit silly here. But there is a point about good intentions outside of the Church & salvation.
Another Churchill story. He was once at a banquet. An Anglican clergyman got up & in his speech he praised Churchill for being "a pillar of the church." To which Churchill replied that he did not really know if he was a pillar "I consider myself more a flying buttress."
In Christ- Fr Raphael
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