Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ"
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07-17-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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I once heard someone tell of a Catholic parade that takes place during holy week each year in the Phillipines. For the parade, a young man is actually nailed to a cross, and the cross carried through the city. On seeing the horrified look on my face, the gentleman told me it was a very high honor for the young man who was chosen.
I haven't been paying much attention to hype about this movie, so am not in a position to really comment about may be a horrible thing, or it may be an insignificant thing.
Is it advisable to see it? I think I could have done without seeing the brief previews I saw yesterday which were brief images of the blood and gore referred to.
imo, the interesting quesiton is why is it that in Orthodox iconography, we see a different image of the crucifixion? In the daytime services of Holy Friday, we have the taking down from the cross, where the priest removes the icon from the cross and wraps it in a white cloth...but why a different visual image than the realism that one would expect in the movie?
Certainly, even without 21st century technology, our church could have chosen to emphasize the physicality in ways that this movie seems to, but why did she not?
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