Politics: America & Greece
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01-27-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Dear John,
Thank you for your good words. As the young boy Adonis says, Greece has two definite sides, very pious people, but there are many with no shame at all.I used to sometimes attend Divine Liturgy at the catrhedral in Athens, and there were so very many lovely young families, with the sweetest little children, and the children -were very quiet!
I truly love Aegina, the area around the port where the boats come in and which is very "touristy," demands that any man, monk, or not who is interested in his soul, keep his eyes, as you say on "faces." I found young Germans, both men and woman, to be totally unaware of their behavior and dress, or rather lack thereof. Yet, the monastery in which the holy relics of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis are kept, is so very lovely and grace-filled. God looks down at Greece and see all of its sinfulness, yet He sheds much grace on the faithful. I saw much holiness there, and sense its Orthodox fragrance at times.
John, I have always felt that the Greeks, who proudly point to themselves as being the founders of democracy, cannot as a people, seem to function well in a democratic system. This true of all too many peoples of the world, and that is why it is such folly for the U.S. to attempt to foster democracy amongst people totally unsuited for it. Democracy for many is not the most suitable, or most desirable form of government. Besides this, the "democracy" that the U.S. desires for other countries is one that is suitable for its own political and military interests. I say this as a loyal and patriotic American! For example, at one time or another, almost all of the Latin American countries have suffered for years under military dictatorships, many supported by the United states; monarchy for them would work out so much better, for the king is a national rallying point of pride for a nation. While I agree that solid democratic institutions are called for, and that men need to be free and have civil and legal rights, a monarchy for many nations would be more in keeping with national character. People who would do away with monarchies would do well to look at the European Union, which has several monarchs as heads of state. The Islamic world is another question. I read an article a few years ago in an economic journal which speaks of the king of Spain often going to South America himself, making trade and economic deals which are very good for the interests of all concerned. When he has travelled around some of the Latin American nations, he has been referred to by local media very positively, almost proudly, as "His Majesty, the King." We Americans have been unfairly taught that any monarch is an evil despot, and he must be thrown out. The former King Constantine of Greece is no prize, but socialism is detrimental to the Greek soul. I have a friend who was raised as a strict Calvinist, then converted to Othodoxy. About a month ago he stated that the reason that there is so much dissension in the Orthodox World is because there is no Anointed Emperor to keep order. I tend to agree. Don't ask me why I have raved on so, I have absolutely no idea...
In Christ,
Hieromonk Averky
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