Politics: America & Greece
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08-24-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
“John, I have always felt that the Greeks, who proudly point to themselves as being the founders of democracy, cannot as a people, seem to function well in a democratic system. “
Father Averky, I found your above statement to be incredibly condescending.
I have both positive and negative feelings about Americans, mainly negative at the moment due to the political situation I admit, but I would never dream of making a similar comment about the US. It is this interference in the internal affairs of other countries that has created so much anti-American feeling in many countries around the world.
I ask your forgiveness for my above words but I will not be silent when someone, no matter who he or she is, maligns my country and my countrymen like that.
I did not vote for our Prime Minister Simitis, and I disagree very strongly with a lot of his policies but for an outsider to suggest that we need a king to keep us in line is unacceptable.
E. Ganatsios
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