What are foreigners perceptions of Thailand?
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02-09-2006, 08:00 AM
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Dec 2005
Senior Member
So how can Thailand promote a better picture of itself to foreigners (not having a sex and the beach image for its country)?
Seems likes it’s easier said than done. But then again, the government has been so lenient on this and it does not take this issue seriously. Most Thais consider their country a Buddhist country that follows the teaching a Buddha, has good morals, etc. But on the other hand, their streets are still full of prostitutes, ladyboys, drugs and alcohol. Amsterdam has this image as well, but somehow it is better portrayed than Thailand’s. If you ask the average non-Thai what they think of Thailand it is usually sex and whores (sad but true, and a lot of Thais don’t seem to want to accept this fact).
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