"From Pattaya" has subtext meaning?
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05-11-2006, 01:52 AM
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Oct 2005
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I thought the initial question was how do Thai women feel if people say they are from Pattaya?
Hi all,
When I first hung out (in Rayong) with my then boss Aussie
we often got that look but it didn't bother me one bit as I believed in myself and thought that those people didn't know me and I couldn't stop people from thinking about other people any way. So, why sad about it.
One day we walked pass a group of motorbike taxi, some one called out " Nong Nong, are there a lots of customers (I believed he meant tourists) in Pattaya?? I smiled and answered ' I don't know, I am not from there ', while, my husband was curious to know what they said as he thought they were talking about him. I explained that they wanted to know if there were many tourists in Pattay. Then we kept walking
another occasion, we had our dinner at the same food stall we often dined, a dear little tall lady who owned it asked me the same question those boys asked and I did the same, smiled and said I don't know, I am not from there, in a friendly manner. She was embarrassed and very apologetic and said that she thought I was from Pattaya - It's amusing.
To be honest, I never got angry or embarrassed when walking along side my Farang husband followed by that look. I take it as a compliment.
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