Eating out with Thai Friends...
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09-21-2012, 12:39 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Mexican dishes also use lot of chiles, and are just as HOT as some Thai dishes, and I don`t eat much of Mexican foods either, so when in Thailand I avoid those chiles..they get you on the way out Not necessarily so, most Mexican is not that hot from the kitchen, but you spice it up to suit yourself, and Mexican heartburn is caused by canned chilis and not the fresh ones or dried ones I have never gotten anything very hot there unless I asked for it to be made that way. But I much prefer Mex chuck to Thai any day.
I been thinking of maybe moving back to Mexico what with all the robbing, stealing and killing of farangs here, it is just as bad as Mexico or maybe worse now.
At least they ain't as noisy as these Thai, another noisy party going on tonite, only on the other side of me now. 2300 and my windows might bust out at any second.
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