[I] Whatever its origin, Songkran is a happy time for people in Thailand. Along with the throwing of water, the playing of games, and cooking of seasonal foods, most Thai families invite Buddhist monks into their homes offering them the best of the dishes and sweets. Some Thai families keep small pieces of bones belonging to their parents or grandparents, which have been intentionally left unconsumed by the fire at the cremation. These they wash with scented water after the monks have recited some Buddhist scripture in the Pali language. Members of the families listen with not so much attention since they do not understand Pali. The kind act of offering food seems to make everyone happy, and that is the most important thing to the Thai people. Some Songkran celebrations are carried on for the better part of the week. Then people settle down to await the monsoon. They mend their farm implements and their houses to be ready for coming rains.