Why Don't Thais Wear Sunglasses?
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09-21-2012, 10:54 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
If like my wife, doesn,t wear sunglass's that much because she is always loosing them LOL. but with all the smog and haze you don't really need them. I think the umbrella's act as sunglass's also to block the sun. But here is states in Idaho, sunglass's are mandatory the sun is so bright and it is so clear .My Thai wife never goes out with out sunglass's
a little know fact Seattle Washinton USA sells more sunglass's per capita than any other
US city But Seattle is know for being one of the rainest citys in America. when the rains stop and the sun comes out it is so bright with the sun refecting off the wet streets you have to run ijna buy sunglass's to see.
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