Brit tells of battle to cut Thai drugs sentence
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09-21-2012, 01:42 PM
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Oct 2005
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Steve says he loves Thailand and would hope one day be able to retire there.
This brings me to a question : I thought that for some kinds of visa, the requirement is NOT to have a criminal record.
--> e.g. non-immigrant O visa (= retirement visa ?)
1.3 Having no criminal record in Thailand and the country of the applicant’s nationality or residence.
source :
and even for marrying in thailand - a copy of criminal record history would be requiered ?
So he wouldn't be able to return to Thailand again if this was enforced, or do I understand this wrong ?
In my country there was the case of someone convicted, he was implicated in a case of beating someone to death (some bouncer turf war), though he himself wasn't present at the beating : phoned/tipped others. He had to spent jail time, and after his sentence in Belgium, he couldn't enter Thailand anymore.
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