Thailand's "dangerous" animals
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09-21-2012, 07:41 PM
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Dec 2005
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Nearly the border country, the mosquito can be a carrier of disease germs such as Malaria and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. These fevers spread again by labor migration from neighbor country. We can cure these fevers in the hospitals. Thai idiom said Mosquito is more dangerous than Tiger. it means you can hide from the tiger but not from the mosquito
Dengue is NOT limited to the borders it is pandemic in is irresponsible to suggest that it is brought in by workers from abroad - the range of transmission from person to person is small and it covers the whole country - like wise, malaria though requiring humans as a vehicle does not inquire as to their nationality.
Dengue is NOT curable and there is no vaccine (yet) as the three types makes this difficult to achieve.
as far as I'm aware the malarial parasite is also invulnerable to medicine.
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