Mental Health in Thailand : Views
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09-22-2012, 12:38 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
If you're asking if there're many mental people in Thailand? My answer is YES! Some asshole scratched my car again on the side with a key or something. This is the second time it occured within 3 or 4 months. @#%%^!!!!
The other case to mention of cos is the self admitted "mental" patient, Muu-ham. He was arrested for flying into rage after getting into a car accident with a bus and then using his mercedes, he rammed into a group of people at the bus stop killing one. His whole family admitted he is "mental" after that. On top of that, he had a group of "(mental) fans" who supported him after the "accident". Last week, he was involved in another accident with a bus again. How he was allowed to continue driving? No one knows, but I guess someone's mind is obviously not very sound too to allow him to continue driving.
In conclusion? Oh, I'm just very pissed with my car being scratched again. But $%%@% Yes! There're many mentally unsound people in Thailand!
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